

1980 - Left Texas A&M University, got married, moved to Denver.

1983 - Started writing software for PC platform.

1985 - Formed TANSTAAFL Software to do custom software development in C.

1990 - Moved to Windows environment.

1992 - Started using Visual Basic.

1993 - Released various Windows shareware programs.

1994 - Started writing Windows help systems.

1996 - Started speaking at industry conferences, created Hypertext forum on CompuServe.

1999 - Y2K ready!

2000 - No Major Glitches!

2001 - Added web camera after lightning strike.

2002 - So far, so good!

2003 - Laid off from Avaya, got contract job in Kansas City.

Copyright © 2009 by Dana Cline
Last Updated  Monday, April 06, 2009
Website hosted by 1and1